Tetris for Learning

This download contains a VS2010 solution for a simple Tetris project, written in C++ using SDL and SDL_ttf. The best way to learn programming is to take someone else's complete project and tweak and modify it. The purpose of this code is to provide a neat, simple example of a real-time game for new game programmers to experiment with.


SDL and SDL_ttf created by Sam Lantega.

Tetris block images by Damian Yerrick, Wikimedia Commons.


All CodingTetris source and solution files (*.h, *.cpp, *.sln, *.vcproj) are release free of charge for commercial and noncommercial use. No warranty of fitness for any purpose, express or implied, is given.


CodingTetris Redacted Source (some features have been removed to give you a starting point)

CodingTetris Full Source (a complete Tetris game)