Port Apollo
(15.4 MB)

This game can only be run on Windows systems and requires DirectX 9.0c, which may or may not be already installed on a Windows computer.
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I started Port Apollo in August 2010 to try to make use of some of the awesome crate textures created by Josh Mooney in one of his personal projects. In the end, it was a good experience in the Newton Physics wrapper for DarkBASIC as well. The goal of the game is to drop crates on the trucks passing below. You must "deliver" more than half of the crates each level to proceed to the next.
Created by Brian MacIntosh.
GraphicsCrate Textures - Josh Mooney
Most Object Textures - cgtextures.com
Sound Effects
All Sound Effects - freesound.org
In-Game Music - Matt McFarland
Newton Game Dynamics Physics Engine - Julio Jerez and Alain Suero; wrapped for DarkBASIC by Walaber and tiresius, forum.thegamecreators.com
Object Explosion Library - Ed Filby (Dr Tank, forum.thegamecreators.com)
Image Manipulation Library - Syncadius, forum.thegamecreators.com