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Camera Obscura Update

May 12th, 2011

Thought I should post what kind of progress is being made on Camera Obscura, as that is my focus as far as game programming right now. We just won $100 at UCI's Game Jam Popular Choice competition, at which 40-something people voted our game as one of the best shown (the second place team received 27 votes!) This should cover the fees associated with the game's eventual publication to XBox Live. Programming progress is quite good - we've fixed almost every known bug, and polished up a lot of the early levels to help teach players the game's mechanics.

Inspiration for this part of the game is coming from games such as Portal and Braid: we want to ease the player into each of the game's mechanics, making him or her figure out how they work, guiding them to the solution and slowly giving them more and more to think about on their own. And we want to make absolutely minimal use of text boxes: show, don't tell.