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Ludum Dare #24 Is Fun

August 25th, 2012

As expected, I wishy-washied over my game ideas some more and finally settled back on the shootemup with evolving enemies. I've started writing code now, so what's done is done as far as that goes. The skeleton code for genome selection, crossover, and mutation is all in place, and I've working on fleshing out the actually movement and firing code for both the play and the bots - that's going pretty well.

The plan is for the game to spawn little evo-bots at a rapidfire pace to try to kill you. They'll be ranked based on how long they live and how much damage they do to you. After a certain number of spawns, the best ones will be picked and crossover and mutation will occur. Repeat. The "genes" that will get messed around with include stat boosts, weapons (and their individual stats), other gadgets like armor plates, and such.

Also, it's a bit late for my brain. In case you were wondering.